Sunday 27 September 2020

Nobody needs wokeism as much as the anti-woke brigade

Piers Morgan's new book proves that wokeism is a storm in a teacup - whipped up by those who despise it the most.

As a former newspaper editor Piers Morgan would have known a thing or two about a Proms exclusive loaded with enough woke hysteria to whip Britain into a patriotic spin. 

The front pages would have been cleared, columnists would have been riled up and a petition would have been launched with more rigour than Simon Rattle on speed.

As it was The Sunday Times didn't even deem it fit enough for their print edition, ashamedly leaking it online later that day. 

It was never a story, that's why. It was never a thing. What followed was a scandal whipped up by those who proclaimed to hate it the most - creating a manufactured enemy that never really existed. 


The same could be said of Morgan's latest book, Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts, which takes aim at a new 'common enemy' in the form of those pesky, woke liberals out to destroy our freedoms.

If you, like him, are sick and tired of being told how to think, speak, eat and behave, then this book is for you. If you think common sense is being thrown out of the window then this book is for you, and if you think the world’s going absolutely nuts then this book is definitely for you. 

But how do you spot a woke person? Well, you might know one. They think the word 'mankind' is sexist, they self-identify as a different race, they think ‘ethical veganism’ qualifies as a philosophical belief and they passionately disapprove of the notion that James Bond should remain a man.

Or you might not. 

Why does it matter? 

You see, for anti-wokeists like Morgan it is in their interest to make this more of a social movement than it actually is. 

Without it, what would he write about? What would he post about on Twitter and what would he moan about on GMB? 

Nobody needs wokeism more than him - yet nobody proclaims to despise it more too. And this matters. Because when he tells people that there is a new common enemy people tend to believe him, society becomes divided and views become more extreme. 

If you want proof of that then observe the chart below and consider this; Are we really facing a common enemy, or just one the press and certain celebrities have whipped up for their own benefit? 

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